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P (303) 847-4100
F (303) 872-0156
We seek platform investments of companies in various industries that share certain profile characteristics:
Companies should have a product or service with a strong market position to help sustain and grow profitability, and provide a foundation to expand into new markets.
Businesses should present a compelling value proposition for their customers and have a proven ability to withstand changing market conditions.
Because customer, supplier and industry demands can change rapidly, it is important that businesses have the ability to properly scale in response to dynamic market conditions.
Long-term customer relationships provide a level of comfort that the company can generate predictable cash flows and also serve as a foundation for expansion into new products or markets.
Platform companies should display both organic growth potential, as well as opportunities to grow via strategic add-on acquisitions.
Properly aligning the interests of investors and employees will help ensure long-term success and value creation for all stakeholders.